
Books I've Been Reading

I mentioned in my Things for 2018 post that a goal I had for this year was to read more. I started out strong and have been slacking a little here and there, but being in a English class where you obligated to have a personal book to read has been helping a bit. I finished one, almost finished another, half way through one and hope to start another!

The first book of the year I read was #GirlBoss. This book was written by the founder of Nasty Gal, Sophia Amoruso. I love learning about peoples lives and their experiences so this was a thumbs up for me. In the book Sophia talks about her journey to creating her huge online store, struggles she faced, tips to be your own #GirlBoss and just lots of inspiring words along the way. Her story in itself in inspiring. And if your interested in a more visual representation of Sophia's story I'd recommend watching the Netflix show based off her book called Girl Boss. It's so good, I finished the season in 2 days! Worth a pick up.

The book I'm very close, and I mean very close to finishing is Bloom. This book was written by the Blogger and Vlogger, Estee Lalonde. It's a easy read, but Estee talks about very import subjects and topics in her book that I thought were inspiring. It's sort of like a ton of blogposts in one. You can really get a sense of Estee's life and interests through reading this book. She talks about topics ranging from beauty, skincare, home decor, travel and her life stories in general. It's very visual and love that about the book. I've always adored her youtube videos and blog anyways so reading her book was great because I got to learn about things she never really talks about on her channel, such as body image or details into her relationship with her boyfriend Aslan. Loved it!

I tend to usually enjoy books about people and their lives or self help books so starting a novel was something I haven't really done in a long time. I researched and read many blogposts on peoples favourite books and made a mass list of books I was interested in. I then drove myself down to the local library in my town and ended up only finding one, and that was Sweet Bitter. I'm about half way through the book and I so far enjoy the read. The book is based in New York which really draws me in because I love New York so much. Though it's about a 22 year old girl named Tess who picks up her life and moves to NYC and lands a job at a restaurant as a back waiter. I don't want to go too much into the plot because I'm only half way through or so and I don't want to spoil anything.

I'm trying to grow in my self love and as I was doing my research on books to read I came across the book The Gifts of Imperfection. I picked it up from the book store and I'm excited to read! Ready to be inspired!

What are your favourite books?

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