
Things for 2018

Seeing as the New Year is now upon us over these past weeks we will all seem to reflect on the past year and start planning for the new. I don't per say believe in "New Years Resolutions" as you can make goals for yourself year around but I think that it being the New Year it gives you a little bit of a boost. I wanted to just wake a few "goals" or improvements I want to make during this year and create a better lifestyle. Lets hope I can achieve some of them!


I love to journal. Having an space to just let out all my thoughts without judgement or any response actually feels amazing. I will say the past week or so I've been really good with journaling and just reflecting on my day and the people in my life or any issues I have going on. I think journaling is so beneficial because I really get a sense of how I really am doing because like of all us my mind goes a little crazy sometimes and I can't even think straight. I love just jotting down things I'm grateful for or ranting about something or someone that rubbed me the wrong way. Is a safe environment and if you have time I would recommend you to do it as well.


As a kid I used to read constantly. I loved to read! With growing up it seems as if I feel away from it and I really want to change that. I don't know if I stopped the whole reading thing because I couldn't find books I liked, was too busy or I just couldn't concentrate on what I was reading. Whatever it was I want to figure it out and put a large effort into finishing some books. I've been reading and watching book recommendation videos and I've picked up 2 books to start, but if you have any recommendations for books leave them in the comments!


One thing I hate about growing up is that your amount of friends seem to shrink in size. I've never been the kind of girl to have tons of "best friends". I would more or less just have 1 or 2 close friends I'd hangout with regularly and lots of "friends" or people I knew that I was friendly with and would talk to here and there. But knowing that as the years pass our friend count seems to shrink I really want to focus on growing and strengthening the relationships I do have. I want to spend more time with loved ones in my life like my best friend Maddy and my parents or brothers. These are the people that are going to be in my life for the long run so I want to make sure I'm growing our connections to the best they can be!


If you read one of my recents posts or even this one right now, you would know I'm starting up my blog again. This year I really want to put a lot of effort into my content and grow my blog and hopefully get some more readers. I honestly just love writing and taking photos, so if anyone likes it to I'd love for them to see my blog!

What are your "goals" for 2018? 

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